Here are a couple of cards I've thrown together over the past few nights. I've been burning the midnight oil again, but I've no choice at the moment. It's panto week and I've been at school from 7.30 am to 8 pm two days on the trot. The head is off sick too, so I've been in charge. Anyway, I've NEEDED to craft (stress relief!)
The top card features a digistamp from craftsUprint, a site I discovered at the weekend. I have a friend who loves tigers and this was perfect for her birthday card. I coloured it with promarkers. Do tigers have green eyes? I'm not sure, but I think it looks okay.
The second card is for one of Megan's friends who plays the piano. I've used a digistamp from Digisparkle, coloured with promarkers and mounted on papers from the Funky Fairies 'lets get Traditional' range. I am so going to have earned my shopping trip to Sir Stampalot's demo day on Saturday with Lynne and Brenda! And those Promarkers too!
The tiger is simply stunning xxx
ReplyDeleteBoth fab, Sally. That tiger is stunning. Love the piano too. Must get that digistamp.
ReplyDeletesimply gorgeous sally.Enjoy your shopping trip
Love your colouring on the tiger Sally, it's gorgeous. The piano card is great too.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Sir Stampalot and buy lots of goodies. I'm off up to Graphicus for my spending spree.
Lesley Xx
Beautiful makes Sally.
ReplyDeleteHave fun tomorrow - you will really enjoy yourself with Brenda. She is brilliant company.
I hope you have saved your pennies and got the beans in ready for beans and toast every week for 2 weeks!!!
Will be thinking of you and say hellow to Brenda for me.
Love Jules xx
Hi Sally. I hope the Panto has gone well. It sounds like it's been a hectic week. Your cards are gorgeous, especially the tiger, he's stunning.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day at Sir Stampalot with Lynne and Brenda. Sounds like it'll be a good one.
Hi Sally. Thanks I'll look out for that. We went to Rufford Abbey this morning before settting off home. It looked beautiful in the sunshine. I was born in Nottingham so it always seems like coming home to hear the Leicester accents when we go to CP. Next year I'll give you a shout when we go, perhaps we can have a get together!!
Moring Sally
ReplyDeleteNo idea how I missed these, sorry been such a bad blogger this week, all efforts seem to have been directed at yesterday.
It was fantastic to meet you and Lynne and about to mail you.
B x