
Saturday, 24 December 2011

See you on the other side!

I've spent the last 24 hours making cards and baking mostly, with a few hours sleep snatched in the middle. I haven't made half the goodies I'd intended. Just mince pies from me and mocha cupcakes from Meg. There is a nice piece of gammon cooking at the moment. Shortbread and cookies will have to wait, and I blame the councillor who thought it was a good idea to not break up until the 23rd!
Here are my cards. The first, second and fourth are all made from snippets so I'm entering them into Jules' Crafty snippet challenge. If you want any details  about the cards please ask and I'll let you know.

Thanks for looking and a very Merry Christmas to you all!


  1. Wow Sally - what a gorgeous collection of cards. (I was a bit worried about the title though):~D !!
    Sounds as if you have been extremely busy, so I hope you enjoy a relaxing school holiday.

    Have a fabulous time - hugs, Sylvia xx
    PS: forgot to say last time I visited - love your new profile pic.!

  2. A gorgeous collection of "craftiness" . The colours are so rich and beautiful. Thanks a million for the lovely card! I really appreciate it! Have a lovely Christmas! Ruth x

  3. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family Sally .. the cards are beautiful.. and what doesn't get done doesn't get done.. Hope you get chance to relax
    Lisa x

  4. Sounds like you've been busy, Sally, although I'm not surprised if you've been working until 23rd. I hope you take the chance now to relax and have a great Christmas with your lovely family.
    Thanks so much for the beautiful card.
    Have fun
    Love Lisax

  5. Fabulous cards Sally! i do love the 'snowy scenes' - OK, so how did you do those?

    Hopefully, as others have said, you can now relax and enjoy Christmas - if you're at a loose end, I have two whole baskets of ironing here - hate that for Christmas for some reason but visitors had to come first!

    I hope you keep using the snippets and joining in once I fully take over the playground keys - I'm a tad scared to be honest :))

    Merry Christmas

    Di xx

  6. Beautiful collection of cards to end the year Sally. I'm quite amazed at what you have achieved uith so little time before Christmas. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year holiday with your family and thank you so much for the lovely card.

    Lesley Xx

  7. Hi Sally

    Bit of a wild guess here - are you based near North Shields? Di xx

  8. Di again! I spotted you'd become a follower and Feedjit (which is a really interesting tool on my sidebar) showed North Shields as a recent visitor. Nothing sinister - just I lived in the North East for many years :) Mind you, I like Nottingham too. Spent a few days there this Summer at a school reunion, and from what I remember (grin) it's a really nice place. Di xx

  9. The tryptichs are definitely my favorites, they're exquisite! Enjoy the cookie baking - shortbread, oh yummy!!!

  10. what a lovely cards you've made, specially the first two are really super!
    Merry XMAS today!

  11. Hi Sal

    What a gorgeous post .. .. full of lovely creations.

    I love the ones you are bringing to the snippet playground (but of course the others are gorgeous too).

    I hope you have had a good Christmas .. and if you are anything like me you haven't actually missed "any" of the other things you were "hoping" to make LOL!!!

    Celebrations are still going strong here until the family go home sometime tomorrow :-(

    Enjoy the rest of your break and thank you for sharing in the snippet playground.

    Love Jules xx


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