
Monday, 1 October 2012

More photos from Rwanda

I wanted to share a few photos from my trip. In Rwanda there were many things that made me think, like water for example.
These yellow water containers are an essential part of life in Rwanda. There are not many places that have mains water in the district I visited, and both children and adults take their containers to the local pump or river to fill them. There are some water storage towers  and rain water tanks around but these are not available to everyone. Many of the yellow containers have an unusual stopper in the form of a green banana.
 They are often carried by cyclists when the nearest water is further away, and often several containers per bike. These containers then take the place of taps like this:
Thanks for looking!


  1. It really does make you think how much we take for granted.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. As you might guess my voice recognition program was typing something totally different when I said, so to start again.

    Seeing these photos brings it home to us how lucky we are. And the way those that have a less than easy life yet still look so happy is an example to us all.

    B x

  3. Thought-provoking photos! It will be interesting to see what the children at your school think about them. x

  4. What a reality check Sally, so different from seeing reports on tv!
    Val x

  5. Hi Sally,. welcome back!! Your photos are amazing and looks like it was indeed the trip of a lifetime. So many lovely memories! Ruth x

  6. Hi Sally well wandered around your blog (and love your cards) but this is so reminiscent of what I see from friends there also have friends in Zambia must say you did very well with your bird pickies they are gorgeous, Shaz in oz.x


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