As the weather here has taken a down turn for a couple of days, I thought I would revisit my holiday photos to remind us what sunshine is! These were all taken on the gardens at Powis Castle and Chirk Castle during our summer holiday in Wales.
I also loved all the hot colours
This stunning old English rose also smelled divine, and I am always fascinated by the passion flower, which are possibly Natures answer to steampunk!
Thanks for looking!
Brilliant photos, Sally, especially the second one, with the out of focus background. Love it. Cold and foggy here tonight, the summer seems a distant memory now, even though it was still warm enough to go out without a coat just a couple of weeks ago!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous flower pics Sally and certainly a very cheery sight now when we've had deluges of rain and flooding down south.
ReplyDeleteFliss xx
Hi Sally, lovely post and lovely photos. I especially like the ones of flowers with bees at them but I love the rose too ... I can almost smell it from here :) We've had some wonderful holidays in Wales and would love to return one day. Elizabeth xx
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing some beautiful floral pictures with us Sal, I think because the Summer was short it seems such a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a good weekend.
B x
Gorgeous close ups of the flowers Sally. It's a shame summer does not last a little longer.
ReplyDeleteSue xx
Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers and how I love your description of the Passion flower, it will always be the steampunk flower from now on!
ReplyDeleteJoan x
Oh what lovely photos, Sally. It's lovely to look back at happy holiday photos. We have been lucky with the weather here and have had a really sunny weekend. The garden is still looking good but how long it will last I don't know. I'm trying to appreciate every extra nice day we get.
ReplyDeleteHugs Lisax
Such fabulous photos Sally. Yep I wished we lived closer too as I could then get you to show me a thing or two!!! xx
ReplyDeleteWOW - stunning photography Sally. I LOVE your take on Passion Flowers being steampunk! xxx
ReplyDeleteThat is a whole lot of happy flowers - and obviously happy bees as well. Beautiful flowers, Sally - they sure brighten up some dark and cloudy days.
ReplyDeleteStunning photography Sally, beautiful photos, thanks for reminder of summer
ReplyDeleteWonderful flowers, Sally. And I love passion flowers.