Many people will think I'm a real wierdo, but I think it's time to introduce you to my pets. There are three of mine and two belonging to Megan. We don't own a cat or a dog, we don't have rabbits, guinea pigs or hamsters, but we do have...Giant African Land Snails! These are the perfect pets for anyone who can't have fur around and wants something cheap. They eat about half a cucumber and a quarter of a lettuce each week. They are very good at finishing off limp salad from the bottom of the fridge, old fruit and some vegetables. This particular variety don't need extra heat. They are fine at room temperature. They live in a plastic tank with irish moss peat in it and need spraying with water each day.

If you look closely at the bottom picture you will see Brian is giving a piggyback to his/her son/daughter (they are hermaphrodites), about 3 weeks after it hatched.

They are also very entertaining when given a 'shower' under the tap. You can see Brian's brother, Gary
here. My three snails live at school in term time, and are a big hit with the children, particularly when we race them and give them a shower! They are fascinating creatures, honest!