Tuesday 29 August 2023

Can you hear buzzing?


Hi there! I made these cute earrings at the weekend using Bee Crafty stamps and shrink plastic. Here's how I made them

I began by stamping the largest bee twice onto clear sanded shrink plastic. 
Next I used a hole punch to add holes between the antennae.  
I cut around the bees leaving a small border, and the holes at the top to attach them to the earrings. 
Once the ink was definitely dry I coloured them using coloured pencils.
Using tweezers and a Heat tool I shrunk the bees. You can watch the video of them shrinking here
I added jump rings through the holes and threaded 3 beads onto each of the eye pins.
using round nosed pliers and wire cutters I created a loop at the top of the eye pin and fastened the ear hooks and bees to either end.
Here are the earrings again

I used: 
Bee Mine stamp set
Brilliance ink
Clear shrink plastic, sanded on one side so it can be inked and coloured
Coloured pencils
2 eye pins
2 ear hooks
2 jump rings
6 beads
round nosed pliers and wire cutters

Thanks for looking! 


Pat said...

I love these cute little bee earrings made with shrink plastic Sally..such a fun idea. x

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Squeal! I love them Sally. Great adding the beads too. Little drops of Honey?
Faith x