This candy is now closed.
It is a whole year ago today that I first set foot in Blog land, and what a happy place it is! I have made so many new friends and learned so much! I am still surprised and delighted by the responses and messages I receive. To celebrate this wonderful community I am offering the blog candy in the photo above. I will try and find a few more bits too. If you would like to be in with a chance of winning it You can leave a comment on this post. You get two chances if you are a follower and three if you leave a link to my candy on your blog and are a follower. Does that make sense? Comment = 1 chance, comment+follower = 2 chances, comment+follower+link= 3 chances. I will draw the winner on Saturday 31st October.
You will have to forgive me. I am operating through a fog of pain killers and antibiotics due to an infection in my mouth. I can't open my mouth very wide and my tongue and cheek are swollen. I'm being very quiet and eating flat food!!!! Biscuits slide in nicely, but I could no more bite an apple than unicycle at the moment! The dentist is going to see what is causing it in about ten days, once the pills have done their job. I've got a funny feeling it might end in them taking out another wisdom tooth that is growing at a very funny angle.
Anyway, enough about my teeth. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for being such wonderful bloggers and great friends too!
Hi Sal and congrats !!i am a follower already and leaving a comment but cant really say about candy on my blog as have to keep the sidebars for dt stuff but just really wanted to sayyyyyyy happy blogaversary
hugs June xxxx
Happy blogaversary Sal... Congratulations :D
oooooer I feel for you having an infection in your mouth... I've had lots of problems in the past and it's sooooo not nice hun. Hope it feels better soon.
chris xx
Oh dear Sally, know exactly what it all feels like and what you must be going through - bit close to home as you know. At least the antibiotics usually kick in pretty quickly.
Anyway, happy blogaversary - is that what they call it ? Will carry a link to my sidebar.
B x
Happy Bloggerversary Sally. I completely agree what a wonderful world it is. I've linked to your lovely candy on my sidebar.
Poor you, having pain is horrible but when you can't eat either, nightmare. How you going with nice, soft chocolate!!!! Hope it all gets better very soon.
Take care
Happy Bloggerversary inspiring lady :) I love how are you are always so full of such gorgeous ideas and how your cards make my family in Germany so happy! Hope you feel much better soon, Milena x
is it really a year? congrats on your blogversary and get well soon!
Hi Sally
A very Happy Blogaversay to you - and thank you for sharing so many beautiful creations in your first year. Here's to the next.
So sorry to read about your mouth problems. Wisdom teeth seem to be more trouble than they are worth (though I have to admit I have been very fortunate with mine).
Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog whilst I have been away.
Hope you feel better soon.
Love Jules xx
Congratulations on your blogoversary Sally! Sorry you are having mouth problems - I hope you are feeling better soon xx
Hi Sal,
Happy Blogaversary. I hope that your mouth is better soon. How uncomfortable for you.
I am now following as I love your work - especially the lovely butterfly exploding box....and I have linked you into my side bar.
Lesley x
Oh poor you, I really sympathise with you, tooth pain is so awful, hope you feel better soon xx
Have linked you to my blog and become a follower, this blog looks so yummy - thank you for a chance to win.
Carol x
Oh I am so very sorry to learn that you are suffering - hope the problem clears up pdq.
I can't believe a year has flown past so quickly - congratulations.
I have been and am a follower thank you so much for the opportunity to enter your blog candy draw
Congrats and Happy Blogoversary! Sorry to hear about your teeth - hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely candy!
I have become a follower and put a link in the sidebar of my blog!
Awwww I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope it is all sorted soon.
Thanks for the opportunity to win some candy though, and Happy Bloggaversary :) Have put a link on my sidebar to your blog.
Had to delete my first comment as I made a few typos sorry
Wow Thanks for the chance at all your candy I follow and have linked you all up. Hope you feel better soon.
sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
I am follower
am following, and you have LOVELY stuff on your blog! so happy i stumbled across your page! :)
and i've linked your candy in my sidebar!
hope the mouth feels better soon and you can celebrate your blogaversary in STYLE! (with lots of yummy foods!)
take care! :)
Hi Sally, hope you are well or better! Happy blogoversary and thank you very much for a chance to win this fantastic candy, great products in! I've just put a link to my candybar and now I am a follower! get fingers crossed!
great candy! I love flowers! :) I posted your candy on my sidebar, be sure to check out my candy too HERE.
Hi I'm very sorry for your teeth infection :-( hope everything's gonna be better soon!
I am a follower and have put a link on my blog too :)
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